This morning when i woke i felt so lazy to workout, i actually considered sleeping the extra one hour rather than stressing my self, after all i'm not the fattest person on earth , i just remembered the bible passage that says the spirit is willing , but the flesh is weak. The spirit is always willing to go the the extra miles, but the flesh has a way of saying no.
After much deliberation within me, i jumped up from my bed to workout for 15 mins, to my surprise i ended up exercising for 27 mins, 15 mins cardio and 12 mins yoga. I felt so fulfilled and happy at the end of it. But starting was almost impossible. Trust me there's no day i wake up in the morning and i feel like exercising, i just have it at the back of my mind that to stay healthy and age graciously, i just need to live healthy and of course workout plays a major role in healthy living.
Below are excuses people give to avoid working out.
1. “I don’t have enough time.” If you could squeeze in a workout after work and before happy hour ends? Of course you’d hit gym. But then you’d have to shower and wash your hair and redo your makeup, and you’d totally miss the specials. Two-for-one wine, anyone?
2. “I’m too tired.” Say you could physically make it to the gym without dying of exhaustion — you’d end up going through the motions with your eyes closed. You’d be a hazard to yourself.
3. “I have my period.” You honestly do want to work out today—you have the best intentions! But if you bleed through your yoga pants, you’d never be able to show your face at the gyms ever again. You just can’t afford to risk it.
4. “I’m so out of shape.” Every time you use this excuse to skip a workout? It becomes an even better excuse!
5. “The gym is too expensive.” Even if money did grow on trees, you’d rather spend it on something more fun. Like anything.
6. “I’m sick/getting sick.” Never mind the facts — that exercise flushes bacteria out of the lungs, boosts your immune system, and alleviates the stress that increases your risk of getting sick. You feel like shit and you’re not stepping foot in that gym, dammit!
7. “I get way too bored.” You don’t know how marathoners run for hours on end, and you don’t want to. The thought of activity without entertainment is just — you can’t even.
8. “I don’t want to.” Lazy is as lazy does. (Hey, at least you’re honest.)
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